Becoming unemployed is stressful, especially if you do not receive unemployment benefits. In some instances, the Employment Development Department (EDD) can deny people the benefits they need. If you do not receive unemployment benefits, read what to do if you were denied unemployment in California for helpful information.
Understand Why You Were Denied Benefits
When you receive a notice of determination, the EDD will explain why they denied your benefits. They could deny your benefits if you got fired for misconduct, quit your last job, or refused to accept suitable work. If you don’t fall into these categories, you can file an appeal.
File an Unemployment Appeal Claim
If you get denied unemployment benefits, you have 20 days to file your appeal to the California Employment Development Department. An appeal will allow you to explain why you should receive benefits. Once your appeal reaches the EDD, they will review it and schedule a hearing. However, it’s important to understand that it will take four to six weeks to get an appeal review.
The best thing you can do is submit an appeal with all the correct documents and necessary information to help your case. If you’re thinking about filing an appeal, here are some things to include in your letter:
- Full name and address
- Phone number
- Social security number
- The reasons for your appeal
- Employment information (name of the company, unemployment date, etc.)
Hire an Unemployment Appeal Lawyer
While filing an appeal, it’s best to hire an unemployment appeal lawyer because they can guide you through the process and give you great legal advice. However, many people hire these lawyers when they disagree with the appeal decision from the EDD. You have the right to file a second-level appeal that restates your case and the reasons why you disagree with the decision. Your unemployment appeal lawyer can help you gather further evidence and present your argument to the EDD.
Losing a job is stressful, especially if you do not receive unemployment benefits. However, you can take steps to get the benefits you deserve. We hope our guide on what to do if you were denied unemployment in California was helpful to you. If you’re thinking about filing an appeal or disagree with the EDD appeal decision, you should contact Pershing Square Law Firm. We’re a team of highly skilled unemployment lawyers who can help you! Call us today for a free consultation.