Can I Sue EDD for Damages?
For many of you who had to deal with the EDD during the Pandemic, you probably experienced extremely long delays, repetitive procedures where you have to verify your identity in multiple ways just to get denied and have to go through an appeal to prove you are who you say you are. Some of you […]
How to Appeal an EDD Denial of Benefits?
Listen to our founding attorney, Assaf Lichtash, discuss what you need to keep in mind before filing an appeal for a denial of your unemployment benefits.
Overpayments, Risks of Backdating and Training Extensions
Come listen to our founding attorney, Assaf Lichtash, discuss overpayments, the risks of backdating your claim to an earlier date and how Training Extensions can help you prepare for the time your extensions run out.
Getting Your Identity Verified With
Starting January 1, 2021, the EDD froze 1.4 million accounts and it requires that all of them undergo ID verification through a third-party website called If you are not receiving benefits because of a suspension related to your ID, you should proceed to verify your identity through as soon as possible. Note: EDD […]